Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Through out history very  greedy, selfish and deceitful  human male species placed in positions of authority "Managers"  with knowledge and awareness, intentionally made a lot of "False Statements"  and they deliberately distorted all the sacred texts our sacred Technology "the Vedas" that gave humanity the knowledge of their inherent connection with God Almighty,  all divinity, the Supreme Lord Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Santa Madre IMAAN the nourishing source of pure love of all living entities from other planets Extra Terrestrial Intelligence.  These  human males species from all the races until today continue to make  'False Statements'  about Extraterrestrial Intelligence living entities from other planets  in order for some of this Human Male Species to be able to hoard all the wealth, in order for these human male species to exploit the human female species, in order for these human male species to hoard  all the  knowledge for themselves and these mistaken choices has let to the spiritual evolutionary and physical ruin of  all the working military population and the working civilian population that are obedient and submissive to their managers that have enforced the programming of Health, The Programming of diet, The programming of illicit medication, The Programming of education, the programming of religion, the programming of  laws that have been programmed into them by 'some manager 'of the greedy selfish, dishonest perverse and cruel male species that continue to distort sacred technology and use physical technology to depopulate  the human race and to maintain the human race in a constant state of fear.

This programming of fear begins with the ongoing brutal assault by the male species to the root chakra of the human female species  and continues with the very perverse and sadistic diet of meat eating, that has been modernized into the most horrific concentration camps slaughter houses for lower animals for example:  live stock cows, bulls, chickens, cats, dogs, fish,  pigs, camels, horses, crocodiles, snakes, rats, and this very mistaken programming of meat eating of lower animals has led the human species in some parts of this Sant a Madre Tierra IMAAN to literately eat other human species. Currently, in some countries in this Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN some human species are preparing themselves to continue to eat human beings in case of a food shortage and they are determined to pursue the programming of systematic rape, gang rape, rape of the human female species in all countries and thus obstructing humanity's God giving right to exercise their duty to became the Supreme Lord's surrendered servant in order to be able the cycle of reincarnation when the soul leaves the human body.

Monday, September 16, 2024


All planets are living entities and they all have a soul,  God Almighty is the soul of all planets!
All Divinity is what Makes Up God Almighty!
What this means is that All Divinity is All the versions of Intelligent forms of Life from all Material Universes! Some human beings refer to Divinity as gods and goddess, Devas, Deities,  Aliens, UFO's Extra Terrestrial Intelligence!  Extra Terrestrial Intelligence are living entities from other planets and from this  Planet Mother Earth  IMAAN and they are all parts and parcels of God Almighty and nothing is going to change that!