Saturday, September 28, 2024

Use extreme caution when approaching God Almighty Lord Vishnu "Extraterrestrial Intelligence!" "Use extreme caution when identifying yourself as one of the Lord's devotees!" "Use extreme caution when approaching the Lord's surrendered devotees!" 

There are some universes that cannot be reached with material spaceships or with the arrogance of greed and lust nor with the arrogance of the ignorance that denies God Almighty Lord Vishnu! Only pure love for god, will rescue the souls that are stuck in the cycle of reincarnation. Out the causeless mercy of God Almighty Lord Vishnu Srimati Rhadarani Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN.  God Almighty gave sacred technology to both men and women so that they could use this spiritual technology to leave the cycle of reincarnation! If you are on this planet earth is not because you did something great. It is not normal to cause harm to others in order to maintain our existence. Is not normal for the male species of this Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN to use  Spiritual Technology and Physical Technology to inflict Psychological and Physical trauma on other living entities for sense gratification and to brag about hurting others, and to plan on how to hurt others this way of thinking is very unhealthy,  and only leads to a downward spiral of more suffering and pain. Om Tat Sat

Friday, September 27, 2024


The Human Male Species belonging to cultures that Extra Terrestrial Intelligence living entities from other planets ( God Almighty) transmitted Spiritual Technology ignored very specific instructions given to them by god, to practice "AHIMSA!"  ( to not cause harm to other living entities in order for the soul to leave the cycle of reincarnation) and instead the human male species recognized themselves as gods, kings, billionaires, that ignored direct orders,  and begun to falsify documentation carved into tablets, scrolls, sacred texts "Vedas" "Puranas" and publish false narratives about the origins of the human race,  and took it upon themselves to remove the god given rights and authority that God Almighty bestowed upon the human female species to assist the male species with the management of this Santa Tierra IMAAN, and instead falsified laws that gave themselves the authority to silence women, to inflict merciless psychological bullying, to financially abuse them,  to physically assault women, to brutally rape them,  to treat them like a lower animal and force them to have children born out fear and terror, children that are denied the chance to achieve god realization, children that are use  to staff their armies, and their factories of workers for their private empires of just a few rich men, in order to make women  cowed, and to program women to be very insecure and to have very low self esteem  and to removed women from all positions of management, and to instead force women to maintain the human male species incessant addiction to sexual experimentation and sense gratification. 


Currently, God Almighty, Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN has intervened and she has given women the authority to be in positions of management of the world's military corporations and  government corporations and both the male and female species  are having a very difficult time switching from the  programming of meat eating and illicit sex (sexual violence against women and men)  to the programming of celibacy until marriage or religious renunciation, and switching to  the programming of a plant based and mineral diet, that will allow humanity to purify their mind while staying connected to God Almighty with a daily religious practice.


The male species in management position until this day continues to modernized Concentration Camps for Live Stock where millions of lower animals such cows, bulls, horses, lambs, camels, chickens, fish, crocodiles, snakes, kangaroos, pigs.. are tortured daily before being slaughtered for meat consumption or for the use of manufacturing of accessories such as purses, belts, wallets or shoes or clothing made out the skin of animals. Accessories  that people don't need for their survival but rather use or wear for pleasure.



  Male species that have enforced, the programming of meat eating world wide through the programming of health. Human Male Species that start bullying one another and refuse to do business with other male species if they don't share the same meat eating diet . These men start conflicts with one another over non meat eating and meat eating, and debate about the very large profits that these male species make out of the programming of meat eating. Both of these men know that there is abundance of wealth to take care of every single person in the world, and that AHIMSA includes illicit Sex, Illicit drugs, including alcohol and that meat eating is absolutely prohibited in an advance civilization destined to inhabit other planets and to become part of other advance civilizations that live in other planets. 


The current human male species in positions of management choose to erase the current highly dangerous, parasitic and cannibalistic human race that they programmed to become dangerous rapists cannibals, during more conflicts with the use of biological warfare and nuclear war,  in order for a few of these male species and some female species to start over. While the rest of the souls incarnated in human bodies "humanity" plunges into to super lower bodies  and remain stuck in the cycle of reincarnation while the earth regenerates.



  The Human Male Species were given very specific instructions about the plant base diet, and mineral diet that human species must maintain in order to purify their mind, and that both the male and female species must remain celibate in order to prepare themselves to leave the cycle of reincarnation, when their soul, is ready to move on to it's new life lesson, be it on this Santa Tierra IMAAN or in another planet freed from the bondage of pain and suffering and repeated birth and death! Om Tat Sat


Jai Sri Krsna! Jai Sri Narasimha!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024



The current human male species that were giving the responsibility to manage  this civilization have betrayed god almighty,  the supreme authority over all creation, and as a direct result of this overt choice to ignore god's instructions the human male species have inflicted  great harm on all the living entities inhabiting this Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN. Through out history very greedy, selfish and deceitful human male species placed in positions of authority "Managers"  with knowledge and awareness, intentionally made a lot of "False Statements" and they deliberately distorted all the sacred texts our sacred Technology "the Vedas" that gave humanity the knowledge of their inherent connection with 'God Almighty' the "Supreme Lord Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN" the nourishing source of pure love of all living entities from other planets "Extra Terrestrial Intelligence." These human males species from all races until today continue to make  'False Statements'  about "Extraterrestrial Intelligence living entities from other planets!"  in order for some of these human male species to be able to hoard all the wealth, in order for these human male species to continue to exploit the human female species, in order for these human male species to hoard  all the  knowledge for themselves and these mistaken choices has let to the spiritual evolutionary ruin and physical ruin of  all the working military population and the working civilian population that are very obedient and submissive to their managers. Managers that have enforced the programming of health, the programming of diet, The programming of illicit medication, The Programming of education, the programming of religion, the programming of  laws, the programming of reproductive rights. Managers of the male species that continue to distort sacred technology and use physical technology to depopulate the human race and to maintain the human race within a very low frequency of existence, living in a constant state of fear, bottom dwellers.

This programming of fear begins with the brutal assault of the root chakra of the human female species with the use of "Kundalini Technology"  "energetic attacks" and continues with  physical sexual assault and forced pregnancies. The programming of fear continues to be embedded into the mind of human beings with the diet of meat eating, that has been modernized into the most horrific concentration camps,  "slaughter houses" for lower animals for example:  live stock such as cows, bulls, chickens, cats, dogs, fish,  pigs, camels, horses, crocodiles, snakes, rats, and this very mistaken programming of meat eating of lower animals has led the human species in some parts of this Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN to literately eat other human species. Currently, in some countries in this Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN some human species are preparing themselves to continue to eat human beings in case of a food shortage and they are determined to pursue the programming of systematic rape, gang rape, illicit sex with the human female species and with human male species in all countries and thus obstructing humanity's God giving right to exercise their duty to become the Supreme Lord's surrendered servant.

Monday, September 16, 2024


All planets are living entities and they all have a soul,  God Almighty is the soul of all planets!
All Divinity is what Makes Up God Almighty!
What this means is that All Divinity is All the versions of Intelligent forms of Life from all Material Universes! Some human beings refer to Divinity as gods and goddess, Devas, Deities,  Aliens, UFO's Extra Terrestrial Intelligence!  Extra Terrestrial Intelligence are living entities from other planets and from this  Planet Mother Earth  IMAAN and they are all parts and parcels of God Almighty and nothing is going to change that!